Organisational Diagnosis
"During organisational diagnosis confidential consultations are conducted with each member of the workforce from the lowest to highest level in the hierarchy. Accordingly, feedback reports are compiled for each functional grouping within the organisation as well as the organisation as a whole."

These feedback reports will specifically provide information with regards to the following:

A general overview of the organisation
The current organisational structure as well as suggestions for alternatives
Under- and/or over-utilisation of specific positions
Current factors of discontent within the organisation
Current motivators within the organisation
An assessment of current human resource management systems within the organisation (i.e. performance management systems, remuneration structures, job grading systems, profit sharing structures, etc)
A comprehensive appraisal of each individual in the organisation’s workforce
Feedback with regards to the management style of each manager as asserted by the employees reporting to that specific manager
A comprehensive assessment if the training needs of each employee
A proposed cumulative training programme for the organisation to consider